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2024 Minister's Report AGM, 25th February, 2024

2024 Ministers Report for Denham Court Anglican Church

Annual General Meeting, 25th February 2024

We meet together to encourage each Other in our faith and the Writer of Hebrews says in 10:24-25 that we should not neglect to meet together as we stir each other up to love and good deeds.

Thanks to all those Who serve our church through their ministries on Sunday. Thanks to those who maintain our church site through cleaning our buildings and looking after our grounds Thanks to those who play music and lead singing. lead prayers, do bible readings, lead the services, preach, do morning teas, run the sound systems, teach Sunday school, present all age talks and welcome people.

In the past year we have had sermon series on: Luke 9-14, David (l and 2 Samuel) Revelation, Titus and the Apostles Creed. I am grateful to those who have assisted me in preaching, and we appreciate their ministry Thanks to Eddy Fracarossi, Marge Mills, Jacinth Myles, Jackie Stoneman and Martin Yeomans for providing us with edifying, creative and challenging sermons over the past year.

We have been greatly blessed by God in having Rev. Jacinth Myles and Rev. Jackie Stoneman join Our congregation a few months ago. They serve, along with Rev. Marge Mills as honorary ordained ministers. Jacinth and Jackie bring a wealth of practical experience and gifts to our church, and they are already making very significant contributions to the ministries here.


Our small group ministry expanded during the last year. We now have four regular Bible studies two led by me, one by Eddy Fracarossi and another by Jackie Stoneman. It is great to have groups of people meeting together regularly to study God's Word. We are also excited by the number of people who have done, or are now doing the Christianity Explained and Discipleship Explained groups run by Jacinth Myles.

Thanks to those who attend our Friday Prayer meeting and as I said recently in a sermon, our growh in numbers attending during the past year is directly linked to this vital meeting. We have seen God answer our prayers and rejoice that we now have a number Of young families regularly attending our church.

Thanks to our three church wardens, Chris Nobbs, Neil Robinson, and Martin Yeomans, The wardens and I have met regularly to make decisions about property and financial matters. Chris Nobbs has done a great job in overseeing the team doing community service at our church on Saturday mornings. He has also been very helpful in doing maintenance around the church site and organising tradesmen to in and do specialized maintenance. I have found his support of me, in his capacity as Rector's warden, very encouraging and helpful.

Martin Yeomans does a wonderful job as a warden and as our church treasurer. He is very efficient and produces great reports for Parish Council, and as you will see, for our AGM. Thanks for his tireless work for our church.

Neil Robinson has provided great service as a warden of this church for more than 20 years. During this time, he has given very considerable amounts of time and energy to serve our church Due to medical reason Neil has unfortunately lost his driving license. Because of the limitations this imposes upon him, he has decided to step down as a warden. But Chris, Martin and myself have asked him to continue as an advisor to the wardens. So he will continue to attend our meetings. This will enable us to tap into the extensive knowledge Neil has about our church property. This year Neil is standing for election to parish Council, but not as a Warden. 

The three wardens and I are also part of Parish Council. I would also like to thank the other members of Parish Council, Julie-Ann Cowan, Chris Craddock, Eddy Fracarossi, Patricia Gee, Lee Parbery, Catriona Robinson and David Symonds for their contributions to our church over the past year.

My wife Marge is an ordained Anglican Minister who teaches at Mary Andrews College. She is a partner in ministry She has been involved in these ministries: leading our Songs & Play musical playgroup, preaching, teaching at our Sunday school, running our church library, leading church services, organizing our all-age talks and music at the 10am service. She also has played music and sung at our church services, In addition to all these things, she makes many contributions to our church through discussing church matters with me and coming up with great Ideas. She is a wonderful supporter and encourager of my ministry.

I also greatly value the contributions o' our daughter Lucy. She has run the Sunday School, done very creative all age talks, played the cello, piano and ukulele and sung at church services.

We have three groups that are aimed at people outside the church. These groups are places where we can develop relationships with people who do not attend church and share the good news of Jesus with them.

Our Craft and Games group meets fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons at 2pm. Thanks to Marilyn Bates and Jan Crundwell for running this group. Our Mobile Community Pantry and Drop In centre meets fortnightly on Tuesday mornings, David Symonds runs this ministry very efficiently. Thanks to all those from our church who also serve in this ministry.

Our Songs and Play group is for children aged 0 to 5 and their parents or carers. It is held on Tuesday mornings during school term time. Thanks for Chris Craddock, Catriona Robinson, Roz Gesson, Gayna Nobbs, Penny and Ken Calderwood for helping with this ministry over the last year.

Our monthly communion service on Fridays attracts about 15 to 20 some of whom travel a distance to attend it. Thanks to Thelma Lyell who assists me in running this service. We thank Thelma for her contribution to our church through voluntary office administration one morning a week for our church.

Thanks to Allan James for once again being our voluntary cemetery manager. Allan does a great job  organising burials and internments of ashes. I continue to do a number of Baptisms each year. This is a great opportunity to connect with people in the local communities and to share the good news with them. I generally do them on Saturday mornings and also encourage the family of the child who is being baptized to attend our 10am service three times. This has meant we have had a number of visitors to our church services who gain an understanding of what we believe and do as Christians.

We are now teaching Special Religious Education (Scripture) at two local schools. On Thursdays at Edmondson Park primary School, Lydia Hucman and I teach classes Lee Parbery assists with one class. On Friday I teach another class at Bardia Primary School. Lydia teaches a class of year 5 and 6 students. I teach classes of years 3  and 4 students at both schools. We are fortunate to have people from other churches also teach Scripture at these schools.

We are excited to have seen the growth in numbers attending church over the past few years and especially over the past few months. We are now averaging over 80 people each Sunday attending our services. When Marge and I commenced four years ago this number was about 30 people attending our Sunday church services.

We rejoice at this growth and pray that we as a church will be used by God to make an ever increasing impact on our local communities.

The change in size of a church impacts how a church operates. I have shared with our parish Council some insights from Tim Keller about how church size dynamics work. Tim Keller was an American Pastor in New York city who died fast year. Over the years, he and his wife grew a large church in New York and he then wrote about church growth dynamics. I believe he has great insights into how churches grow. Here is an extract from a page he wrote about how different size churches operate.

a. House-church - 0-40 attendance

b. Small church - 40-200 attendance 

I would be happy to discuss how Keller's thoughts apply to our church. 

I give thanks to God for the opportunity to serve as your minister over the past 12 months. I look forward to what He will do through us in the coming year, for the spread of the gospel of Jesus.

Grace and Peace

Richard Mills

2021 Minister's Report AGM, 21st March, 2021

2021 Minister's Report for Denham Court Anglican Church

Annual General Meeting, 21st March 2021

Do you ever wonder where the idea of the number seven being lucky came from? More likely than not, the idea of good luck associated with seven comes from the use of the number seven in the Bible. There were seven days in creation, seven deacons chosen by the early church in Acts 6, and in the book of Revelation, seven churches, seven angels, seven stars, seven seals seven lampstands, seven trumpets, seven plagues, seven bowls of wrath, and seven hills and kings.

I was thinking about the number seven and realised a number of things in connection with my ministry in the past year are associated with the number seven.

I came to the church with seven years to serve till my retirement in late 2027 when I will turn sixty seven.

I was here at the church for seven weeks before lockdown commenced. 

Seven people from our church went to glory in the second half of 2019 and the first half of 2020.

We have done seven improvements to our site in the past year:

We have seen seven areas of change growth in the ministry in our church, for which we give praise to God:

So I have the number seven to illustrate some Of the things that have happened in our church the past year.  When I came to the church last year. I shared with people that I have seven years till retire and asked them to think about where they would like to see Denham Court Anglican church in seven years time The common idea is that people would like to see the church as viable. This would involve the church having more people attend and the congregation made up  of people across all age groups. Denham Court Anglican Church has been in existence for 183 years since 1838 and we want the church to continue in the future. There are a number of new housing developments around Denham Court which has resulted in thousands of new residents who now live close to our church. This provides a great opportunity for us. 

I shared with the Wardens then parish Council in recent weeks that I believe that 2020 was a year of consolidation and Covid 19. We can also give thanks to God that we have grown as a church in terms of numbers of people attending. Last Sunday we had Over 60 people attend our two church services. (26 at Bam. and 37 at I0am),

In the past year wo have had sermon series on:

I have done most Of the preaching but I have the ministry of others who preach. Thanks to Eddy Fracarossi. Marge Mill and Sam Mills for providing us with edifying. creative and challenging sermons over the past year. We have also appreciated our guest preachers Jackie Stoneman and Graeme Sedorenko from CMS.

In our Bible Study groups have sometimes done studies linked to Our Sermon series. We have also used the video courses "Life of Jesus" and "For Love Of God: the Church is better and worse than you could ever imagine. "

In the coming year I would like to encourage us to focus on evangelism and growth. Let us try and work out more ways that we can impact the local communities with the good news of Jesus. Parish Council has begun to think about this and started to come up with ideas. I would welcome input from other people. Last year Our craft group from a suggestion by Margaret Rolph then Merilyn gates and Marge Mills got involved in developing this group. Can I encourage more people to talk with me if you have an idea that will enhance our evangelistic activities in our church.

Thanks to everyone who makes a contribution to helping our church function. Thanks to those

who are in our two Sunday Services. Thanks to people who preach, lead church services, play music and sing. read the Bible, lead prayers, run the sound systems, teach Sunday school, present all age talks. welcome people and help with morning tea.

Thanks to those who do other unseen work during the week. Cleaning our two buildings, helping at our clean up days, doing work on our site at other times. is great to have so many people involved in serving in this way.

Thanks to our church wardens, Neil Robinson. Martin Yeomans and Andy Mills The wardens and I have met on a fortnightly basis and been able to make decisions about property and financial matters Neil, Martin and Andy have all given a lot of time to church matters over the past year and I thank them for their friendship, encouragement and support.

The three wardens and are also part of Parish Council would also like to thank the other members of Parish Council. Merilyn Bates, Julie-Ann Cowan. Eddy Fracarossi, Athol Robins and Lisa Wood for their contribution to our Church past year.

My wife Marge is an ordained Anglican Minister who teaches Church History and Old and New Testament with Mary Andrews College. We went through Moore College together and she is a wonderful partner in ministry. She has been involved in developing the church Facebook page, preaching, leading church services, organising our all age talks and music at the 10am service. She also has played music and sung at our church services.  In addition to all these things, she makes many contributions to our church through discussing church matters with me and coming up with great ideas.  She is a wonderful supporter and encourager of my ministry.

I also value the contributions of our daughter Lucy. She has run the Sunday School, done very creative all age talks, played the cello, piano and ukulele and sung at church services. Her dog Bunter often enthusiastically greets people as they come onto our site. Our son Sam and his wife Sarah, who are involved in their own church, have also helped with our music and all age talks about once a month.

I give thanks to God for the opportunity to serve as your minister over the past 14 months. I look forward to what he will do through us in the coming year.

Grace and Peace

Richard Mills

Newsletter - January 2021

Denham Court Anglican Church                                        January Newsletter

Minister: Richard Mills                                 0407 661 429                    rmdcanglican@gmail.com

Sunday Services:    8am in the Chapel and   10am in the Hall

17th January Ephesian 6:1-9 Speaker: Margery Mills

24th January Ephesian 6:10-24 Speaker: Samuel Mills

31st January Psalm 8 Speaker: Richard Mills

Bible Study Groups

For February and March on Mondays and Tuesdays, 10am to 12 noon,
commencing 1st and 2nd February.

We will be running the course called:

For the Love of God:
How the church is better and worse than you ever imagined.

The purpose of this documentary, and this short course, is to explore the failures and achievements of the Christian church through its history, so that viewers can make up their own minds about the ongoing significance of Christianity's beliefs, ethics, and community. Never far from the surface in this course is the question: How faithful has the church been to its founder and his message?

The documentary was filmed all over the world and includes many short interviews with scholars. It is designed for believers and sceptics alike, the course presents selected scenes from the documentary, explores key biblical texts, and examines the original form of the Christian faith, allowing participants to assess the global impact of Christianity  and rightly judge the mixed actions of the church through history.

The course goes for eight weeks.

The Study guide costs $10 - You can buy them from Richard Mills. 

For more details please talk with Richard Mills.

Defibrillator Training, Next Sunday 24th January.

Lee Wood will be running a short (15 minute) training session in how to use the church portable Defibrillator (which is kept in the hall). The training will be held, after each service. It will be great to have as many people as possible familiar with this life saving device, just in case it needs to be used in the future.

Prayer Meeting

Fridays 9:30am Recommencing this Friday 22nd January.

Working Bee

Saturday 30th January, 9am to 12 noon.

Who We Are

Simply, we’re people who are committed to Jesus, to each other and to our community.

God has gathered us into His family by sending Jesus to live and die for us.  In response we are whole-heartedly committed to trusting Jesus and serving Him with our lives.  We seek to share God’s message that He wants everyone to trust in Jesus & join His family.

Our mission:

“God’s church at Denham Court exists to glorify him

as it faithfully serves him, testifying, both at ‘church’ and in the world,

in its words and life, to the love of God for all people in Christ

and inviting them to share in His blessings and mission.“

We want to do whatever we can – locally, nationally and globally – to see God’s kingdom grow.

We’d love you to come and join us!

If you have questions about the Christian faith, email the minister, Richard, by clicking here.

Jesus Christ and Him crucified ...